When it comes to riding off-road, a dropper post is a fantastic tool. It can help you get super low and control the bike like a pro. It also has the ability to pop back up and give you maximum pedaling efficiency on the flats and climbs.
When it comes to dropper posts, it’s not rare for them to start playing up occasionally. There are actually many reasons this might happen, but it doesn’t mean you have to take it to a bike shop. Dropper posts are pretty simple to fix and rarely need replacing.
In this article, we’re going to be telling you about common problems that happen to dropper posts and how to fix them. This is what you need to know:
How Does A Dropper Post Work?
Before we start, it’s good to understand how a dropper post works. Obviously, there are different designs, but in general, this is what to expect:
Firstly when the lever on the bars is pulled, this goes to a hydraulic system inside the post containing hydraulic fluid and air. The tension releases, and you can adjust the saddle height using your body weight.
Once the perfect position is found, you can release the lever, and a locking mechanism will hold the post in place. When the lever is pressed again with no weight on the return spring or air assist sends it right back to the top.
Dropper Post Problems And Solutions
Dropper Post Is Stuck
The first issue many cyclists face is a stuck dropper post. So when you press the lever, it does nothing, it just stays where it is. This is generally down to two things: the cable inside is damaged and broken, or there’s not enough tension.
To fix this, you will want to check the cable for any damages. If it’s broken, you will need to get it replaced and rerun. If it’s in good condition, you will need to correct the tension so the lever engages the drop in the post.
We also recommend checking if the seat post clamp isn’t too tight, as this can cause the dropper post to stop working too. If all of these solutions don’t fix it, you might need to take it to an experienced mechanic to have a look.
Dropper Post Moves All The Time
Another very common issue is the dropper post moving all the time. This means every time you go to sit down, it just sinks. This is incredibly annoying, and it makes the bike pretty much unrideable.
To fix this again, we are looking at a possible problem with the cable. Instead of not having enough tension, this means there’s too much tension. To fix this, you will need to loosen off the cable and adjust it again so it can lock the post.
This could also come from there not being enough air pressure in the dropper post for your weight, or even a seal could have broken. To add pressure, you can use a small pump. For a broken seal, you should see a mechanic.
Dropper Post Won’t Go All The Way Up After Use
Although quite a rare problem, it’s definitely worth mentioning. Some riders find the dropper post has the ability to sink properly, but when it comes to going back up, it doesn’t want to go all the way.
This not only gives you the wrong riding position but also means you often have to force the seat up yourself while trying to ride.
This is often caused when the cable is snagged somewhere or has a kink. The best way to solve this is to follow the cable back from the lever to the post to ensure it’s running smoothly. If that isn’t the cause, running a new cable might be worth ensuring nothing is wrong internally.
My Dropper Post Wiggles From Side To Side
A very common question we get asked about dropper posts is, “Why does mine lean side to side?” Well, there are a few reasons for this. The first thing to mention is dropper posts do generally have some play in them. To have a smooth movement, they require a small gap between the post and the housing, which can cause play.
Secondly, you might find the side plates are worn down. These are two small plates on either side of the internal post, and they protect it from getting worn down. These plates can be changed in a service, reducing wiggle and further protecting the internal post.
It’s important if your dropper post has seals or side plates to ensure they don’t get too worn out. It’s important to understand that you commonly do side-to-side wiggle from a dropper post. It’s noticeable to start with, but you soon get used to it.
How Often Should My Dropper Post Be Serviced?
As with many mechanical parts, they often require regular servicing. This not only keeps them working in tip-top condition but also works wonders in preventing them from breaking in the future. How often should you be servicing your dropper post?
Well, depending on the brand, it often differs. For a RockShox, they recommend every 200 hours of riding, KS every 6 months no matter how much you ride, and a Fox every 125 hours ride time.
This can be unique to the model, and we recommend researching yours to ensure proper maintenance.
Ride Checks
One thing all dropper post companies agree on is doing checks before every ride to ensure the dropper post works properly. They recommend cleaning the post, inspecting it for damages, and then ensuring proper lubrication.
A Final Note
Dropper posts are an excellent way to improve off-road ability. They can be the difference in a race between winning and losing.
We highly recommend installing one but ensure you stay on top of your maintenance.

Robbie Ferri has spent years working in a bike shop, has worked with industry leading brands on product creation, has been a semi pro athlete, and is a fully qualified strength and conditioning coach. He has broken World Records, bikepacked all over the World and raced ultra distance at a top-level.